
LAD Learning Solutions
ESPM Beauty Academy
Bryn Mawr Medical Specialists
Helping Hands
Humble Hearts Health Care
Jacob's Ladder Development Center
King Houston Consulting
Nationalities Service
Promise Empowerment
Chester Housing Authority
Career Starter Services is always looking for new partnerships.
To find out more, give us a call (215) 769-1199
Mission, Purpose and Objectives
The mission of Career Starter Services is to provide quality programs that integrate professional skills and career focus to empower students in developing and achieving both their personal and career potentials.
Career Starter Services recognizes the worth and dignity of all people and is sensitive to the diversity of cultural and ethnic background represented in the student population. All participants are encouraged to reach their potential within the framework of their individual needs, interests and capacities.
Our mission is to close the opportunity divide by ensuring that students gain the skills, experience and support that will empower them to reach their career goals and prepare them for a successful future.
Career Starter Services
(215) 769-1199